
25 South Street, Litchfield CT 06759

2023 Pride Preview

Date: May 21, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Litchfield Community Center - 421 Bantam Rd, Litchfield CT, 06759

Do you want to know what is happening in Litchfield County for LGBTQIA+ folks during Pride Month?

Join us at the Litchfield Community Center on May 21st from 1pm to 3pm! We are excited to partner with twenty2 wallpaper + textiles for a family-friendly event to highlight what’s going on for Pride. We’ll have local Pride groups, providers, a community art project and the wonderful Nibbles n’ Noms food truck will be set up outside for some delicious food!

Questions or accessibility needs?
Please contact Julia Jagger:
Phone: (860) 309-3597
Email: jjagger@greenwoodsreferrals.org

April 28, 2023