25 South Street, Litchfield CT 06759

Greenwoods Grows: A Plan for a Healthier Litchfield County

What It Means To Give To Greenwoods

Greenwoods is a non-sectarian, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our programs are made possible by grants from area foundations as well as contributions from businesses and individual supporters. Thank you for choosing to invest in Greenwoods.

Your gift to support Greenwoods Grows will help us expand our services beyond Litchfield to the towns and communities most in need of high-quality, affordable, compassionate care. Thank you for helping Greenwoods create a healthier Litchfield County!

Other ways to give:

In addition to donations, you may also give with: gifts of appreciated securities, will or bequest, memorial & celebratory gifts & planned gift opportunities. Your financial advisor can tell you more about the tax implications and advantages of giving.

To learn more about how you can give to Greenwoods, please Marisa Johnson, Director of Development, at (860) 393-2518 or mjohnson@greenwoodsreferrals.org.