25 South Street, Litchfield CT 06759

Counseling & Referrals Program:

Finding the help you need can be overwhelming. Greenwoods provides access to high quality and affordable mental healthcare for everyone in Litchfield County.

Greenwoods is the only mental health referral service in Connecticut that provides personalized referrals by matching each person who comes to us with counselors, therapists or other professionals with the expertise to help. We also provide financial help to those who are eligible.

What to Expect:

  1. Make the call.
    We’re here to listen. Let our compassionate office staff guide you through the process of getting help. Call (860) 567-4437.
  2. Complete your paperwork.
    All paperwork can be completed electronically, before your appointment.
  3. Come in-person or login to a telehealth session.
    An experienced therapist will guide you through a mental health assessment. Often mental health issues are complicated by everyday problems. It is important that we get a full picture of your individual situation. It is only with a complete story that we can make informed and successful referrals. That is why we take time to ask for some personal and family history and work to identify issues—such as health problems and legal or housing situations—that often are part of the larger picture. We want to uncover any areas of concern and discomfort that might be blocking your path to wellbeing.
  4. Get connected.
    Greenwoods will match you with two or three mental healthcare providers that are selectively chosen based on your specific needs. It is your choice who to see for help and your responsibility to make your own appointment, although we can assist with these things when needed.
  5. We follow up.
    One to two weeks after your appointment, our office staff will call to ensure that you are getting the help you need. If for some reason you are not able to connect with any of the referrals, we encourage you to contact us so we can continue to work with you to find the right therapist.

How to Pay: Subsidies & Financial Help

We accept private insurance and all forms of Medicaid (HUSKY). However, if you do not have insurance and cannot afford to pay you can still receive services from Greenwoods. Please make us aware of your financial situation when making your appointment and we will work with you to address your financial needs.
In order to qualify for a subsidy, your income must be below 300% of the federal poverty level, or meet other requirements detailed in the client application for the subsidy program.

Many times the practitioners in our network accept insurance and will lower their fees for our clients.